Do Extended Marijuana Addiction Treatment Centers Really Work With Long-Term Recovery

Rehab experts believe that long-term treatment of cannabis addiction is essential and more favorable for recovering individuals. Everyone is familiar with post- treatment care. A new extended care program is slowly gaining its popularity among people seeking to overcome their addiction in a long-term.

These extended care programs can be completed as early as three months and as long as 18 months. During the extended  marijuana addiction treatment, the recovering individual receives all the resources and recovery skills they need for a long-term sobriety.

The Approach Of Extended Care Programs

Extended care programs exist to provide recovering individuals an instant foundation for their recovery. It works like the 28-day program, except that extended care programs work better. It is more effective in keeping the clients more committed to their abstinence for a longer period of time.

Since cannabis addiction affects the mind and body, clients should receive a longer marijuana abuse treatment. Moreover, an extended program for marijuana addiction treatment offer them the chance to have a new sober life from the very beginning.

The medical staff tries their very best to help the recovering individuals overcome their addiction. They offer not just marijuana addict treatment, but long-term occupational therapy, psychological counseling and transitional housing. Moreover, they are committed to help clients to learn to be self-reliant and self-sufficient as they get back into the society.

Clients also get the opportunity to live in a different area and be with supportive sober people. The new life that they have is a big help for their long-term recovery. It serves as a training ground for them to function better when they immerse back to their usual society.

Other Services:

Extended care programs for marijuana addiction treatment provide more resources for the clients. They are aware that addiction is a chronic disease and cannot be immediately overcome. This type of program is an answer to help people to be exposed to more resources as they tackle their recovery.

Psychological Counseling

The client will be handled by professional counselors or psychologists for a long time. This way, the medical professionals will be able to dig deeper on many issues, such as the root, depth and manifestations of their marijuana abuse.

The information the professionals obtained from the client is a big help in addressing their addiction and treatment for marijuana addiction, better. It also becomes the solid foundation of the recovering individuals in the future.

With a long-term approach, there is a high chance that all potential stressors,distractions, relapse triggers and threats are taken away from the client’s road to recovery. Without much mental and physical stress, they are able to focus more on their marijuana addiction treatment and recovery.